My day - Backwards - I was having a moody Black and White April 20 this year...

21.43 We look at the pictures - taken form the Camera on my laptop
20.43 Bryn comes by to celebrate the end of April 20.  
19.43 The Colbert Report!

18.43 to my desk to check emails and see how the April 20 is going...

17.43 The domesticity continues - I fold clothes while I watch move downloaded TV
16.43 Still cleaning - on to the dishes. Mainly wine glasses.

15.43 Pile of Clothes - your time has COME!!!

14.43 Watching bad Sci-fi on the teevee while having lunch

13.43pm A Haircut please - I must look good for the lay-deeeees

13.11 Suplimental pretty streets in Darwin

13.10 suplimental in transit - the interior of my Ute.

12.43 suplimental

12.43 pm I help out at one of the NGOs I'm a board member of.

Suplimental - Everyone thought the parking fine was HI-Larious. Miss Briony thought it was especially funny as she got $120 in fines last week.

11.43am I have a parking fine. jesus how annoying. $20.

Supplimental - breakfast was yummy.

10.43am My friend Bryn - who called me while I was having breakfast - and came down to have breakfast too.

9.43am Books for reading while I have coffee in town - it's a book on Russ Meyer - how classy.

8.43am The yearly shot of the Espresso machine.

7.43am the wall of my bedroom

you can't see them - but obviously the other side of my bed was full of groupies and drugs.


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