The 'Priltwennie manifesto

Q: What’s it all about Alfie?

A: April 20 celebrations can be traced back to Egyptian times when they would compete to see who could do the best chisel work, by making the artists of the day inscribe a different word every hour from sunrise to sunset, these tablets would then be looked at and judged for form, neatness, and misspellings (on one famous April 20 a scribe was put to death for chiseling “bird, eye in the sky, dog headed man, snake” instead of “bird, eye in the sky, dog headed man, river” they all laughed about it afterwards.)

Today we continue this ancient and beautiful custom with the Celebration of “’Priltweenie” that we celebrate on the 110th or 11th day of the year.
This year it falls on April Twenty.

12 photos – one every hour from when you wake up.

Q: Does it have to be exactly one hour apart?
A: we prefer it but it’s not strictly enforced.

You have a good minute to get snap happy there and if you know it’s coming you can get your shot ready. Otherwise you won’t get anything else done all day, 12 photos doesn’t have to be onerous, just where you are at the hour point – snap – and continue with the surgery / meeting / sex / mugging / court case you were doing.

Q: does it have to be at the turn of the hour?
A: Nope – just remember when your first shot was and go from there, I set the 60 minute countdown on my phone and ignored it until it beeped all day.

Q: can I submit more?
A: yeah – but we only need 12, the idea is to look at were we all were for the day and contrast the differences.

Last year one happy snapper ended up doing a couple of “Supplemental shots” and kept snapping so we could see how his dinner turned out – it’s all good. (he was unemployed and had time on his hands - he won the "best lunch" award.)

Q: All my pictures are of the same thing I was stuck in a box all day.
A: that’s A.O.K. try to take different angles, use the Macro lens, mark the passage of time with the shadows (Jimbo’s “Out Smoking” set last year), what ever you like. There will be a lot of people in the same boat.

Q: do I have to make them arty?
A: Nope – the truth of the experiment is in documenting your day – not in how well you can frame a shot.

Q: I only took 3 photos and lost interest.
A: it’s ok - you're just a non-person made of tissue paper with no "stick-to-it-ness" you probably are laughed at behind your back. (Hint: just take 12's not that hard)

NEW QUESTION - from the field.
Q: What do I do with my pictures once I take them?
A: There are many options.
Syme is quite happy for you to post them directly here - in fact he's openly encouraging it so it's not just him on this page. just drop him a line and he'll pop you on as a contributor for this site.

You can:

  • open your own Flickr account.
  • post them straight here (yay do that!!!!)
  • send them from your phone to an email account of to a 'priltwennie friendly phone
  • email them to Syme.
post 'priltwennie I'll get copies from everyone to put on the 'priltwennie Flickr account - but on the day you can update as much as you like.

Have a think and get back to me about what you wanna do, I'll be happy to assist / provide technical support.
I have elected Paul to be a hub for images for people too - as he'll be able to get them to me as well.

"I really need to go to the bathroom"
Apollo 16 arrives on the moon April 20 1972


em said…
Behold to my resonating "Hey" of protest ...


Jimbo said…
Here's another Q for your Q&A - what do I do with the photos once I've taken them.
Peeboo said…
Why is Em protesting?

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